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Semper Bonum
Creativity, herbs and precious

Sylvia Feger from Schaan is a qualified herbalist and produces herbal salt from Liechtenstein in her small workshop.

When the company was in the starting blocks in 2019 and the only thing missing was a suitable name, son Tim jumped into the herbal breach. The brief: something Latin, please. With one year of Latin behind him at grammar school, he immediately suggested semper bonum = always good. It fits perfectly when you want to describe your mother. Probably as a small thank you, Sylvia Feger later created Tim's Pommes-Spice.

For a long time, Sylvia Feger thought about self-employment. She finally gave up her office job and since then she has been a successful entrepreneur with increasing sales - and can finally let others share in the lovingly home-made and conscientiously processed products. She is supported by her husband Ingolf, who likes to attend the markets and also helps with the collecting. She says it is downright addictive and coming home with bags and baskets full of fresh herbs is pure joy for her. The subsequent drying, bundling, cutting and further processing is even more enjoyable - and first of all, of course, the discovery, or sometimes the herbs find you, not the other way round.

The fact that work is not work for her is clearly evident when the young entrepreneur talks about not working. Bright eyes, a radiance that goes all over her face, and a waterfall of positive words about her multifaceted everyday business life. The fact that she also generates income with it is an absolute stroke of luck, practically a positive side effect, she says. At the same time, the modest and animal-loving herbalist explains that she doesn't do it for the money - she simply has to do it and can't help it. It makes her happy and as long as she enjoys it, she will continue to live out her passion.

"Sometimes I would like to be less strict with myself. But it's pure passion, I just have to do it."

A little herbology

  • Goutweed

    When Sylvia took over the allotment garden, goutweed overgrew everything. She fell in love with the supposed weed with its taste and appearance and artfully processed the goutweed with other wild herbs into a delicious herbal salt. This is also how it earned its place as the proud sole protagonist in her diploma thesis on herbalism and also convinced the experts.

  • Oregano

    If Liechtenstein were an herb, it would be oregano! It is down-to-earth, versatile and elegant. One of Sylvia's favourite herbs, it can grow anywhere, thrives in poor soil and is very frugal. The simple plant is nevertheless beautiful to look at, versatile, strong in flavour and very fragrant.

  • Wild garlic

    Wild garlic is a 20 to 40 centimetre tall wild plant that sprouts in spring between March and May. In Liechtenstein it is mainly found in the forests in the valley and is therefore a popular wild vegetable. Freshly picked wild garlic is eaten plain, with a little salt on a sandwich or as pesto with pasta or spaetzle. To the recipe

  • Nettle

    Gardeners often think of stinging nettles as weeds that need to be controlled and destroyed. But the stinging nettle has many uses. The traditional medicinal plant can be found and used virtually all year round in Liechtenstein.

For almost a year now, Joy, the white Maltese dog, has accompanied the search for herbs and roots. The little bundle of energy often knows in advance what is on the agenda. She has often shown the way to the desired herbs and amazed her owner. The herb hunt happens all year round and seasonally, starting with wild garlic in spring, dandelion, ribwort, thistle, lady's mantle, stinging nettle seeds and so on. Fresh herbs are processed every year - if any are left over from the previous season, they can be used for smoking.

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