Liechtenstein International Masterclasses
The list of international stars who have come to Liechtenstein to share their knowledge as part of the Liechtenstein International Masterclasses reads like a who's who of the music world. With such an amazing array of talent on display, who could resist visting one of the many concerts going on?
So far over 3000 musicians from 48 countries have taken part in this renowned event organised by the Liechtenstein Music School, giving them the chance to attend workshops and concerts held by some of the most famous musicians in the world.
Since the first event in 1970, the Liechtenstein Masterclasses have every year welcomed between 100 and 120 top-class budding professional representing a range of different instruments and styles of music. It has become a tradition that the teachers and students come together to perform songs and concerts covering everything from classical music to jazz.
The Liechtenstein Masterclasses take place every year in the first weeks of July.