Ice climbing in Malbun
Each winter since the Liechtenstein Alpine Club has created a huge ice-climbing tower in Malbun.
The ice-tower is up to 20 meters high and events take place regularly.
Ice climbing at the ice tower in Malbun
Opening hours
Daily from 8.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. (can be used without booking in advance)
General information
- Helmet compulsory on the ice climbing wall
- generally no rental equipment
- restrictions possible in early winter due to low temperatures and ice production
- Lighting switch to the right of the hut door
- permanently accessible for independent climbers with their own climbing equipment (e.g. rope length 50 m)
- Ice walls on the tower (winter)
- Drytooling routes on the tower wall (winter)
- Drytooling routes on the "Dizzy-Wing-Wall" (all year round)
- Drytooling speed route on the side of the tower (all year round)
Service charge
CHF 10.00 per person
Group climbing possible under supervision plus equipment from the Liechtenstein Alpine Club:
Group size: max. 15 people. Duration 2 hours. Appointments during the week, rather difficult during the day as the supervisors are working.
Basic fee per group CHF 50 plus fees per person
for schools CHF 10.-- per person
for clubs CHF 20.-- per person
for companies CHF 30 per person
Information and reservation
Liechtenstein Alpine Club
Phone: +423 232 98 12
Mail: eisturm(at) oder info(at)
Liability committee
Under no circumstances can the LAV be held liable for any accidents.
- Contact
Opening hours
Daily from 8.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.